The Decemberists Songs - 12/17/12
The Decemberists - 12/17/12

The Decemberists - 12/17/12 Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

Album: What a Terrible World, What a Beautiful World
Released: 2015

12/17/12 Lyrics

What a gift, what a gift you can give me
Here with my heart so whole,
While others may be grieving
Think of their grieving

And oh my boy
Don't you know you are dear to me
You are a breath of life
And a light upon the water
A light upon the water

And, oh my love
If you only knew how I long for you
How I waste my days wishing you would come around
Just to have you around

And what a dear
What a sweet little baby
This cannonball in the bosom of your belly
It's just a kick in your belly

And oh my god,
What a world you have made here
What a terrible world, what a beautiful world
What a world you have made here
What a world you have made here
What a world you have made here
What a world you have made here

Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

12/17/12 Song Chart
  • This song was written by Decemberists frontman Colin Meloy after watching President Obama's speech in the wake of the December 14, 2012 Newtown school shootings. He explained to The Sun: "There is an incredible feeling of helplessness when you see things like this, but we feel an intimate desire to do something."

    "It happened that day when Obama did a press conference and he read out the names of the kids. It was a powerful moment and the song was in some way my attempt to do something."
  • Meloy contrasts the horrific incident and his own domestic bliss. "I was probably more affected by it than if I had no children," he said. "My kid (Hank) was that age at the time. He was in first grade, so you see your own kid in those kids and it's terrifying."
  • The album title comes from the end of this song as Meloy reflects upon President Obama's speech: "What a terrible world, what a beautiful world, what a world you make here."