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Articles by "Aenima"

Tool - Pushit
Tool - Pushit

Tool - Pushit Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

Album: Aenima
Released: 1996

Pushit Lyrics

I will choke until I swallow
Choke this infant here before me.
What is this but my reflection?
Who am I to judge and strike you down?
But you're
Pushing and shoving me.
You still love me and you Pushit on me.
Rest your trigger on my finger,
Bang my head upon the fault line.
Take care not to make me enter.
Cause if I do we both may disappear.
But you're pushing me,
Shoving me. Pushit on me.
Slipping back into the gap again.
I'm alive when you're touching me,
Alive when you're shoving me down.
But I'd trade it all
For just a little bit of
Piece of mind.
Put me somewhere I don't wanna be.
Seeing someplace I don't wanna see.
Never wanna see that place again.
Saw that gap again today
As you were begging me to stay.
Managed to push myself away,
And you, as well.
If, when I say I may fade like a sigh if I stay,
You minimize my movement anyway,
I must persuade you another way.
There's no love in fear.
Staring down the hole again.
Hands upon my back again.
Survival is my only friend.
Terrified of what may come.
Just remember I will always love you,
Even as I tear your fucking throat away.
But it will end no other way.

Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

  • This song talks about his experiences with being abused as a child and how his parents claimed to love him yet abused him. Hence the last phrase in the song, "Remember I will always love you, as I claw your f--king throat away. It will end no other way, it will end no other way." In the first verse he says, "Choke this infant here before me" - here he is referring to himself as the infant and suffering from neglect and abuse. Throughout the song, he describes how he would like to take revenge on his parents and strike back, but was afraid for fear of continued abuse. This song is one of Tool's most violent stories of Maynard's childhood. (thanks, Alex - Salina, KS)

  • Tool - Jimm
    Tool - Jimmy

    Tool - Jimmy Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

    Album: Aenima
    Released: 1996

    Jimmy Lyrics

    What was it like to see
    The face of your own stability
    Suddenly look away
    Leaving you with the dead and hopeless?
    Eleven and she was gone.
    Eleven is when we waved good-bye.
    Eleven is standing still,
    Waiting for me to free him
    By coming home.
    Moving me with a sound.
    Opening me within a gesture.
    Drawing me down and in,
    Showing me where it all began,
    It took so long to realize that
    You hold the light that's been leading me back home.
    Under a dead Ohio sky,
    Eleven has been and will be waiting,
    Defending his light,
    And wondering
    Where the hell have I been?
    Sleeping, lost, and numb.
    So glad that I have found you.
    I am wide awake and heading home.
    Hold your light,
    Lead me through each gentle step by step
    By inch by loaded memory.
    I'll move to heal
    As soon as pain allows so we can
    Reunite and both move on together.
    Hold your light,
    Eleven. Lead me through each gentle step by step
    By inch by loaded memory
    'Til one and one are one, eleven,
    So glow, child, glow.
    I'm heading back home.

    Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

  • "Jimmy" is a reference to James Maynard Keenan, lead singer of Tool. It is a song about his childhood "Under a dead Ohio sky," and some traumatic event happening when he was 11, presumably, his mother leaving in some way: "Eleven and she was gone, Eleven is when we waved goodbye." (thanks, Glenn - Mildenhall, England)

  • Tool - Die Eier Von Satan (The Balls of Satan
    Tool - Die Eier Von Satan (The Balls of Satan)

    Tool - Die Eier Von Satan (The Balls of Satan) Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

    Album: Aenima
    Released: 1996

    Die Eier Von Satan (The Balls of Satan) Lyrics

    Die Eier Von Satan (The Balls of Satan)
  • Lead singer Maynard Keenan wrote this. It sounds kind of ridiculous because it is in German, but once you understand what he wrote it's quite funny and meaningful. The majority of people listening to this song are going to hear a passionate German speaker and an enraptured, cheering crowed, which they will automatically associate to Hitler his many public speeches. The lyrics, however, are nothing but a recipe for a dessert called "The Balls (Eggs) of Satan." Throughout the speech Maynard is heard saying the phrase, "Und kine Eier." Which means " And no eggs." This is where it gets confusing. Eggs actually DO represent the Jewish people. Eggs are an essential baking ingredient because they give the food it's fullness and texture. Historically, the Jews are known to do the same for any culture they integrated themselves into. Without eggs, a recipe is flat, and without Jews, a culture is flat. In the end it is a political statement, knocking Nazism (comparing Hitler's Jewless nation to the Balls of Satan - a recipe which fails without eggs), and a thumb at Americans, who will immediately associate a German speaker to Hitler, even without knowing the text. (thanks, Doran - Toronto, Canada)
  • This song is just a recipe for hash sugar cookies without eggs. The whole thing about it being in German and the chanting is just to screw with you. Most people only recognize 2 words in the title: die and satan. Just another one of Manyard's little tricks to screw with society. (thanks, Jacob - Boise, ID)
  • "Die Eier Von Satan" is pronounced "dee i-er von Satan." (thanks, lauren - dallas, TX)
  • The reason this appears on Aenima is so Tool could prove they weren't "Selling out, laying down, sucking up, to the man." They had to put some outlandish material on the album, and what is more outlandish than a German recipe for Hash Cookies? (thanks, Jonathan - Burton, MI)

  • Tool -
    Tool - H

    Tool - H Youtube Music Videos and Lyrics

    Album: Aenima
    Released: 1996

    H Lyrics

    WHat's coming through is alive.
    What's holding up is a mirror.
    But what's singing songs is a snake
    Looking to turn this piss to wine.
    They're both totally void of hate,
    But killing me just the same.
    The snake behind me hisses
    What my damage could have been.
    My blood before me begs me
    Open up my heart again.
    And I feel this coming over like a storm again.
    Venomous voice, tempts me,
    Drains me, bleeds me,
    Leaves me cracked and empty.
    Drags me down like some sweet gravity.
    The snake behind me hisses
    What my damage could have been.
    My blood before me begs me
    Open up my heart again.
    And I feel this coming over like a storm again.
    I am too connected to you to
    Slip away, to fade away.
    Days away I still feel you
    Touching me, changing me,
    And considerately killing me.
    Without the skin,
    Beneath the storm,
    Under these tears
    The walls came down.
    And the snake is drowned and
    As I look in his eyes,
    My fear begins to fade
    Recalling all of those times.
    I could have cried then.
    I should have cried then.
    And as the walls come down and
    As I look in your eyes
    My fear begins to fade
    Recalling all of the times
    I have died
    And will die.
    It's all right.
    I don't mind.
    I am too connected to you to
    Slip away, to fade away.
    Days away I still feel you
    Touching me, changing me,
    And considerately killing me.

    Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

  • While many people believe this is about God, it has nothing to do with religion. Lead singer Maynard James Keenan is speaking about his experiences of being abused and how it affects him and his family.
  • This could have been titled "H" because Maynard's son Devo has the middle name of H (not an initial - that's the whole middle name). He talks of how his son and his wife have no hate but he wants to lash out at them because he has been abused. He speaks of how he refuses to give into these temptations. One of the deepest songs ever written. (thanks, Keith - Phoenix, AZ, for above 2)
  • It's possible the H stands for Herbert. Maynard James Keenan's birth name is Maynard Herbert Keenan, and it could be about his troubled childhood. (thanks, nero - richmond, MO)
  • The working title for this song was "Half Empty," which the "H" could stand for. It may represent the "half-empty is interchangeable with half-full" notion.
  • In 1996, when Tool was performing this live, Maynard touched on the idea of having an angel sitting on one shoulder and a devil sitting on the other. In at least one interpretation, the song is about being very close to someone who is tearing you apart, someone you can't bring yourself to leave, but someone who will destroy you because you can't leave them. It is the price you pay for being close to them; they aren't doing it on purpose: "considerately killing me." (thanks, Tara - San Diego, CA, for above 2)

  • Tool - AEnem
    Tool - AEnema

    Tool - AEnema Youtube Music Videos and Lyrics

    Album: Aenima
    Released: 1996

    AEnema Lyrics

    Some say the end is near.
    Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.
    I certainly hope we will.
    I sure could use a vacation from this

    Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks

    Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.
    The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
    Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
    Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona Bay.

    Fret for your figure and
    Fret for your latte and
    Fret for your lawsuit and
    Fret for your hairpiece and
    Fret for your Prozac and
    Fret for your pilot and
    Fret for your contract and
    Fret for your car.

    It's a bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks

    Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.
    The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
    Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
    Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona Bay.

    Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
    Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
    Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still.
    Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.

    Some say the end is near.
    Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.
    I certainly hope we will cause
    I sure could use a vacation from this

    Stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit...

    One great big festering neon distraction,
    I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.

    Learn to swim. [3x]

    Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
    Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be.

    Learn to swim.

    Fuck L Ron Hubbard and
    Fuck all his clones.
    Fuck all these gun-toting
    Hip gangster wannabes.

    Learn to swim.

    Fuck retro anything.
    Fuck your tattoos.
    Fuck all you junkies and
    Fuck your short memory.

    Learn to swim.

    Fuck smiley glad-hands
    With hidden agendas.
    Fuck these dysfunctional,
    Insecure actresses.

    Learn to swim.

    Cause I'm praying for rain
    And I'm praying for tidal waves
    I wanna see the ground give way.
    I wanna watch it all go down.
    Mom, please flush it all away.
    I wanna see it go right in and down.
    I wanna watch it go right in.
    Watch you flush it all away.

    Time to bring it down again.
    Don't just call me pessimist.
    Try and read between the lines.

    I can't imagine why you wouldn't
    Welcome any change, my friend.

    I wanna see it all come down.
    Bring it down
    Suck it down.
    Flush it down.Some say the end is near.
    Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.
    I certainly hope we will.
    I sure could use a vacation from this

    Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks

    Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.
    The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
    Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
    Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona Bay.

    Fret for your figure and
    Fret for your latte and
    Fret for your lawsuit and
    Fret for your hairpiece and
    Fret for your Prozac and
    Fret for your pilot and
    Fret for your contract and
    Fret for your car.

    It's a bullshit three ring circus sideshow of freaks

    Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call L.A.
    The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
    Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
    Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona Bay.

    Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
    Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
    Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still.
    Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip shits.

    Some say the end is near.
    Some say we'll see Armageddon soon.
    I certainly hope we will cause
    I sure could use a vacation from this

    Stupid shit, silly shit, stupid shit...

    One great big festering neon distraction,
    I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.

    Learn to swim. [3x]

    Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
    Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be.

    Learn to swim.

    Fuck L Ron Hubbard and
    Fuck all his clones.
    Fuck all these gun-toting
    Hip gangster wannabes.

    Learn to swim.

    Fuck retro anything.
    Fuck your tattoos.
    Fuck all you junkies and
    Fuck your short memory.

    Learn to swim.

    Fuck smiley glad-hands
    With hidden agendas.
    Fuck these dysfunctional,
    Insecure actresses.

    Learn to swim.

    Cause I'm praying for rain
    And I'm praying for tidal waves
    I wanna see the ground give way.
    I wanna watch it all go down.
    Mom, please flush it all away.
    I wanna see it go right in and down.
    I wanna watch it go right in.
    Watch you flush it all away.

    Time to bring it down again.
    Don't just call me pessimist.
    Try and read between the lines.

    I can't imagine why you wouldn't
    Welcome any change, my friend.

    I wanna see it all come down.
    Bring it down
    Suck it down.
    Flush it down.

    Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

  • This is based on a comedy routine by Bill Hicks, who hated the city of Los Angeles. He thought the people were very superficial and represented America at its worst. In his routine, which is sampled in the song, Hicks talks about California falling into the ocean and creating Arizona Bay. Hicks died of cancer in 1994.
  • Lead singer Maynard Keenan was a big fan of Hicks, and drew inspiration from his comedy routines, which often contained lots of social commentary. The album artwork contains a painting of Hicks dressed like a doctor with the caption, "Another Dead Hero."
  • Maynard spend 6 months writing the lyrics. Though he does mention LA, he's not speaking specifically about the city. It's a conceptual song asking, "What if everything was destroyed and we had to start over again." LA in this case represents what's wrong with the world in Maynard's eyes, and he's trying to get the message across that we need something like the city falling into the ocean to happen before we can evolve as a race. (thanks, colin - chatham, Canada)
  • This song was inspired when Tool performed in some sort of L Ron Hubbard arena in Los Angeles. The band looked in dismay when they came across all these yuppie disciples of Hubbard and saw what they felt were the meaningless things they stood for.
  • "AEnema" is a combination of words. "Anima" is the female archetype hypothesized by philosopher/psychologist Carl Jung to exist within the male. "Enema" is the purification of one's rectum through flushing water. The combination would mean something along the lines of flushing out the superficial crap within us.
  • In the song, Maynard gives a list of people he can pretty much do without. The song is a reminder about what is important and what is not in the long run of life. The song has an intense anger focused logically on ideas of superficial people, yet has an inescapable creativity to it. (thanks, mike - oakhurst, NJ, for above 3)

  • Tool - Third Ey
    Tool - Third Eye

    Tool - Third Eye Youtube Music Videos and Lyrics

    Album: Aenima
    Released: 1996

    Third Eye Lyrics

    Dreaming of that face again.
    It's bright and blue and shimmering.
    Grinning wide
    And comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes.
    On my back and tumbling
    Down that hole and back again
    Rising up
    And wiping the webs and the dew from my withered eye.
    In, out, in.., out, in, out
    A child's rhyme stuck in my head.
    It said that life is but a dream.
    I've spent so many years in question
    To find I've known this all along.
    "So good to see you.
    I've missed you so much.
    So glad it's over.
    I've missed you so much
    Came out to watch you play.
    Why are you running?"
    Shrouding all the ground around me
    Is this holy crow above me.
    Black as holes within a memory
    And blue as our new second sun.
    I stick my hand into his shadow
    To pull the pieces from the sand.
    Which I attempt to reassemble
    To see just who I might have been.
    I do not recognize the vessel,
    But the eyes seem so familiar.
    Like phosphorescent desert buttons
    Singing one familiar song
    "So good to see you.
    I've missed you so much.
    So glad it's over.
    I've missed you so much.
    Came out to watch you play.
    Why are you running away?"
    Prying open my Third Eye.
    So good to see you once again.
    I thought that you were hiding.
    And you thought that I had run away.
    Chasing the tail of dogma.
    I opened my eye and there we were.
    So good to see you once again
    I thought that you were hiding from me.
    And you thought that I had run away.
    Chasing a trail of smoke and reason.
    Prying open my third eye.

    Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

    Third Eye Song Chart
  • On the studio version on the album Aenima, the band included spoken-word excerpts by the late comedian/philosopher Bill Hicks, who was also given thanks in the credits of Radiohead's album The Bends. In the live version that was included with the band's boxed set Salival, they included a different spoken-word excerpt, this time from the late Dr. Timothy Leary, famed as the LSD messiah of the '60s. (thanks, Stefano - Old Bridge, NJ)
  • Bill Hick's comedy was known for biting social commentary. He was an influence on comedians like Dennis Miller, and always spoke his mind. In a routine that influenced this song, he said that if we had a third eye to see the beauty of the universe, watching television was like spraying black paint over it.
  • Some Eastern philosophies refer to the "Third Eye." The left eye is used to see where you are going, and the right eye is used to determine what you are going to do when you get there. The third eye is the invisible eye that represents the energy to do it. (thanks, Joshua Matney - Noble, OK)

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