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The Beatles Songs - I Am The Walrus
The Beatles - I Am The Walrus

The Beatles - I Am The Walrus Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

Album: Magical Mystery Tour
Released: 1967

I Am The Walrus Lyrics

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I'm crying.

Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I Am The Walrus, goo goo g'joob.

Mister City Policeman sitting
Pretty little policemen in a row.
See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.
I'm crying, I'm crying.
I'm crying, I'm crying.

Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.
If the sun don't come, you get a tan
From standing in the English rain.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.

Expert textpert choking smokers,
Don't you think the joker laughs at you?
See how they smile like pigs in a sty,
See how they snide.
I'm crying.

Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.
Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.
Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.
Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo.

Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

I Am The Walrus Song Chart
  • John Lennon wrote this song. As stated in the DVD Composing the Beatles Songbook , John was throwing together nonsense lyrics to mess with the heads of scholars trying to dissect The Beatles songs. They also mention that it's John's answer to Bob Dylan's "getting away with murder" style of songwriting. Lennon told Playboy years later that "I can write that crap too," which is rarely mentioned in relation to this song.
  • Lennon explained the origins of this song in his 1980 Playboy interview: "The first line was written on one acid trip one weekend. The second line was written on the next acid trip the next weekend, and it was filled in after I met Yoko. Part of it was putting down Hare Krishna. All these people were going on about Hare Krishna, Allen Ginsberg in particular. The reference to 'Element'ry penguin' is the elementary, naive attitude of going around chanting, 'Hare Krishna,' or putting all your faith in any one idol. I was writing obscurely, a la Dylan, in those days."
  • Lennon got the idea for the oblique lyrics when he received a letter from a student who explained that his English teacher was having the class analyze Beatles songs. Lennon answered the letter; his reply was sold as memorabilia at a 1992 auction. (thanks, Emery - San Jose, CA)
  • The voices at the end of the song came from a BBC broadcast of the Shakespeare play King Lear , which John Lennon heard when he turned on the radio while they were working on the song. He decided to mix bits of the broadcast into the song, resulting in some radio static and disjointed bits of dialogue.

    The section of King Lear used came from Act Four, Scene 6, with Oswald saying: "Slave, thou hast slain me. Villain, take my purse," which comes in at the 3:52 mark. After Oswald dies, we hear this dialogue:

    Edgar: "I know thee well: a serviceable villain, As duteous to the vices of thy mistress As badness would desire."

    Gloucester: "What, is he dead?"

    Edgar: "Sit you down, father. Rest you."
  • The idea for the Walrus came from the poem The Walrus and The Carpenter, which is from the sequel to Alice in Wonderland called Through the Looking-Glass. In his 1980 Playboy interview, Lennon said: "It never dawned on me that Lewis Carroll was commenting on the capitalist and social system. I never went into that bit about what he really meant, like people are doing with the Beatles' work. Later, I went back and looked at it and realized that the walrus was the bad guy in the story and the carpenter was the good guy. I thought, Oh, s--t, I picked the wrong guy. I should have said, 'I am the carpenter.' But that wouldn't have been the same, would it?"
  • When Lennon decided to write confusing lyrics, he asked his friend Pete Shotton for a nursery rhyme they used to sing. Shotton gave them this rhyme, which Lennon incorporated into the song:
    "Yellow matter custard, green slop pie, all mixed together with a dead dog's eye.
    Slap it on a butty, ten foot thick, then wash it all down with a cup of cold sick."
  • The song's opening line, "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together" is based on the song "Marching To Pretoria," which contains the lyric, "I'm with you and you're with me and we are all together." (thanks, Bertrand - Paris, France, for above 3)
  • The choir at the end sings "Oompah, oompah, stick it in your jumper" and "Everybody's got one, everybody's got one."
  • This song helped fuel the rumor that Paul McCartney was dead. It's quite a stretch, but theorists found these clues in the lyrics, none of which are substantiated:

    "Waiting for the van to come" means the three remaining Beatles are waiting for a police van to come. "Pretty little policemen in a row" means policemen did show up.

    "Goo goo ga joob" were the final words that Humpty Dumpty said before he fell off the wall and died.

    During the fade, while the choir sings, a voice says "Bury Me" which is what Paul might have said after he died.

    During the fade, we hear someone reciting the death scene from Shakespeare's play "King Lear."

    In addition, a rumor circulated that Walrus was Greek for "corpse" (it isn't) in Greek, so that is what people thought of Paul being the Walrus. Also, in the video, the walrus was the only dark costume.
  • The BBC banned this for the lines "pornographic priestess" and "let your knickers down."
  • This was released as the B-side to "Hello Goodbye," which Paul McCartney wrote. This angered Lennon because he felt this was much better.
  • In The Beatles song "Glass Onion," Lennon sang, "The Walrus was Paul." He got a kick out of how people tried to interpret his lyrics and figure out who the Walrus was.
  • Lennon got the line "Goo Goo Ga Joob" from the book Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce. "Semolina Pilchard" was Detective Sergeant Norman Pilcher, head of the Scotland Yard Drugs Unit. He led the arrests of both John Lennon and Brian Jones et al, before being investigated himself for blackmail and bribery in the '70s. (thanks, Matt - London, England)
  • Eric Burdon (of Animals and War fame) stated in his biography that he is the Egg Man. It seems he told John Lennon of a sexual experience he was involved in where an egg played a major part. After that, John called him Egg Man.
  • ELO's song "Hello My Old Friend" has an identical form to this - almost the same tune and orchestration but different words. No wonder Jeff Lynne is sometimes referred to as the sixth Beatle.
  • In the Anthology version of this song, they experiment with four octaves in the intro. Also, just before Lennon says, "Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun," Ringo does two hits on snare and floor tom before hitting crash. (thanks, Riley - Elmhurst, IL)
  • In an episode of The Simpsons, "The Bart Of War," airing May 18, 2003, Bart and Milhouse break into a secret room in the Flanders' household to discover that Ned is a Beatles fanatic. Bart takes a sip from a can of 40-year-old Beatles-themed novelty soda and quotes this song: "Yellow matter custard dripping from a dead dog's eye," while Milhouse takes a trip and sees various Beatles inspired hallucinations. (thanks, Ashley - Moncton, Canada)
  • Styx covered this song in 2004 and made a music video for it with a cameo from Billy Bob Thornton. They performed it at Eric Clapton's Crossroads benefit that year, and incorporated it into their set lists. Their version appears on their One with Everything DVD. (thanks, Caitlyn - Farmington Hills, MI)
  • After John Lennon went solo, he wrote a song called "God" where he sang, "I was the walrus, but now I am John." (thanks, Webspin - Daytona, FL)
  • Artists to cover this song include Guided By Voices, Jackyl, Phil Lesh, Love/Hate, Men Without Hats, Oasis, Oingo Boingo, Spooky Tooth and Styx. The Dead Milkmen recorded a completely different song with the same title in 1987.
  • Frank Zappa and the Mothers Of Invention performed the song as part of their late '70s - early '80s live repertoire, giving it their own comic treatment. It was a favorite of the fans. (thanks, Dan - Milwaukee, WI)
  • See the Beatles "Sitting in an English garden" in Song Images.
  • Bono sings this song in the movie Across the Universe, a film centered around the music of The Beatles. In the film, he plays Dr. Robert, also a reference to another Beatles song. (thanks, Jordan - Brooklyn, NY)
  • This was the first song the Beatles recorded after Brian Epstein's death. Engineer Geoff Emerick recalled, "the look of emptiness on their faces when they were playing."
  • John Lennon's "I'm Crying..." lyric came from the Smokey Robinson & the Miracles song "Ooh Baby Baby," where Robinson sings that phrase in the refrain.
  • The Beatles Songs - Blue Jay Way
    The Beatles - Blue Jay Way

    The Beatles - Blue Jay Way Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

    Album: Magical Mystery Tour
    Released: 1967

    Blue Jay Way Lyrics

    There's a fog upon L.A.
    And my friends have lost their way
    We'll be over soon they said
    Now they've lost themselves instead

    Please don't be long
    Please don't you be very long
    Please don't be long
    For I may be asleep

    Well it only goes to show
    And I told them where to go
    Ask a policeman on the street
    There's so many there to meet

    Please don't be long
    Please don't you be very long
    Please don't be long
    For I may be asleep

    Now it's past my bed I know
    And I'd really like to go
    Soon will be the break of day
    Sitting here in Blue Jay Way

    Please don't be long
    Please don't you be very long
    Please don't be long
    For I may be asleep

    Please don't be long
    Please don't you be very long
    Please don't be long

    Please don't be long
    Please don't you be very long
    Please don't be long

    Please don't be long
    Please don't you be very long
    Please don't be long

    Don't be long, don't be long, don't be long
    Don't be long, don't be long, don't be long, don't be long, don't be long

    Writer/s: HARRISON
    Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
    Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

    Blue Jay Way Song Chart
  • George Harrison wrote this in a house he rented in Los Angeles on a street named Blue Jay Way. He was waiting for his friend Derek Taylor when he came up with the song.
  • Brian Kehew, who wrote the book Recording The Beatles: The Studio Equipment and Techniques Used to Create Their Classic Albums , tells us that "Blue Jay Way" is the most impressive Beatles song in terms of engineering. Says Brian: "It has phasing, flanging, it has varied speed recording, it has tape echo. They put things through Leslies, they compressed and EQed things. It's really fascinating, and it has more stuff going on with it that's more detached from traditional classical recording or a Miles Davis record. It's more Beatles-y in that way. All the tricks that The Beatles had developed with compressing instruments and with EQing things in very strange ways are present on "Blue Jay Way."

    My favorite part of it, which is really a fascinating concept, they took the track, specifically with the vocals, and then mixed it. That mix was played backwards and recorded back into the record on the multi-track, but they played it through a Leslie speaker that's spinning in the room. So occasionally during the song you hear some backwards Leslied tracks, especially vocals, swirling in and out. It's the actual song playing backwards against itself through a Leslie and then fading up and down, which is a really creative and very strange idea. I've never heard of anyone else doing something like that."
  • The line "Don't Be Long" is repeated 29 times.
  • This was used in the Beatles movie Magical Mystery Tour.
  • The vocals, organ, and drums were played on two tape machines slightly out of sync to get the phasing effect.
  • When the ending is reversed, it sounds suspiciously like "Paul is bloody." This added to the "Paul is Dead" hoax. (thanks, Dominic - Pittsburgh, PA)

  • The Beatles Songs - The Fool On The Hill
    The Beatles - The Fool On The Hill

    The Beatles - The Fool On The Hill Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

    Album: Magical Mystery Tour
    Released: 1967

    The Fool On The Hill Lyrics

    Day after day
    Alone on a hill
    The man with the foolish grin
    Is keeping perfectly still
    But nobody wants to know him
    They can see that he's just a fool
    And he never gives an answer

    But The Fool On The Hill
    Sees the sun going down
    And the eyes in his head
    See the world spinning round

    Well on the way
    Head in a cloud
    The man of a thousand voices
    Talking perfectly loud

    But nobody ever hears him
    Or the sound he appears to make
    And he never seems to notice

    But the fool on the hill
    Sees the sun going down
    And the eyes in his head
    See the world spinning round

    And nobody seems to like him
    They can tell what he wants to do
    And he never shows his feelings

    But the fool on the hill
    Sees the sun going down
    And the eyes in his head
    See the world spinning round, oh oh oh, round round round round

    He never listens to them
    He knows that they're the fools
    They don't like him

    The fool on the hill
    Sees the sun going down
    And the eyes in his head
    See the world spinning round

    Oh, round round round round, oh

    Publisher: Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
    Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

    The Fool On The Hill Song Chart
  • Paul McCartney wrote this song. It's about a man who is considered a fool by others, but whose foolish demeanor is actually an indication of wisdom.

    An event which prompted this song happened when Paul was walking his dog, Martha, on Primrose Hill one morning. As he watched the sun rise, he noticed that Martha was missing. Paul turned around to look for his dog, and there a man stood, who appeared on the hill without making a sound. The gentleman was dressed respectably, in a belted raincoat. Paul knew this man had not been there seconds earlier as he had looked in that direction for Martha. Paul and the stranger exchanged a greeting, and this man then spoke of what a beautiful view it was from the top of this hill that overlooked London. Within a few seconds, Paul looked around again, and the man was gone. He had vanished as he had appeared. A friend of McCartney's, Alistair Taylor, was present with Paul during this strange incident, and wrote of this event in his book, Yesterday.

    Both Paul and Alistair could not imagine what happened to this man. He had seemed to vanish in thin air. The nearest trees for cover were too far to reach by walking or running in a few seconds, and the crest of the hill was too far as well to reach in that short time. What made the experience even more mysterious, was that just before this man first appeared, Paul and Alistair were speaking to each other of the beauty they observed of the view towards London and the existence of God. Once back home, they spent the morning discussing what had happened, trying to make some sense of it. They both agreed that this was something others were infer occurred as a result of an "acid trip," but they both swore they had not taken or used any drugs. When Paul filmed the sequence for this song in the film, it shows him on a hilltop overlooking the town of Nice. (thanks, Gavin - Hampden, MA)
  • Paul played this for John Lennon while they were writing "A Little Help From My Friends." John made him write down the words so he wouldn't forget.
  • This began as a solo composition with Paul McCartney at the piano. Flutes were added last.
  • This was not a hit for The Beatles, but a 1968 cover version by Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66 went to #6 in the US.
  • This was used in the Beatles movie Magical Mystery Tour.
  • The Eurythmics (Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart ) reunited to perform this song on the CBS special The Beatles: The Night That Changed America, which aired on February 9, 2014 - exactly 50 years after The Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show.

  • The Beatles Songs - Hello Goodbye
    The Beatles - Hello Goodbye

    The Beatles - Hello Goodbye Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

    Album: Magical Mystery Tour
    Released: 1967

    Hello Goodbye Lyrics

    You say "Yes", I say "No".
    You say "Stop" and I say "Go, go, go".
    Oh no.
    You say "Goodbye" and I say "Hello, hello, hello".
    I don't know why you say "Goodbye", I say "Hello, hello, hello".
    I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello.

    I say "High", you say "Low".
    You say "Why?" And I say "I don't know".
    Oh no.
    You say "Goodbye" and I say "Hello, hello, hello".
    I don't know why you say "Goodbye", I say "Hello, hello, hello".
    (Hello, goodbye, hello, goodbye. Hello, goodbye.)
    I don't know why you say "Goodbye", I say "Hello".

    (Hello, goodbye, hello, goodbye. Hello, goodbye. Hello, goodbye.)
    Why, why, why, why, why, why, do you
    Say "Goodbye, goodbye, bye, bye".
    Oh no.
    You say "Goodbye" and I say "Hello, hello, hello".
    I don't know why you say "Goodbye", I say "Hello, hello, hello".
    I don't know why you say "Goodbye", I say "Hello".

    You say "Yes", I say "No".
    (I say "Yes", but I may mean "No").
    You say "Stop", I say "Go, go, go".
    (I can stay still it's time to go).
    Oh, oh no.

    You say "Goodbye" and I say "Hello, hello, hello".
    I don't know why you say "Goodbye", I say "Hello, hello, hello".
    I don't know why you say "Goodbye", I say "Hello, hello, hello".
    I don't know why you say "Goodbye", I say "Hello-wow, oh. Hello".
    Hela, heba, helloa. Hela, heba, helloa. Hela, heba, helloa.
    Hela, heba, helloa. (Hela.) Hela, heba, helloa. Hela, heba, helloa.
    Hela, heba, helloa. Hela, heba, helloa. Hela, heba, helloa.

    Publisher: EMI Music Publishing, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, BMG RIGHTS MANAGEMENT US, LLC
    Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

    Hello Goodbye Song Chart
  • Paul McCartney wrote this. His friend Alistair Taylor, who was visiting McCartney, asked Paul one day how he wrote his many songs, and how he came up with his ideas. Paul took him into his dining room to give him a demonstration of his hand-carved harmonium. As an experiment, Paul asked Taylor to shout out the opposite of whatever he sang, such as black and white, yes and no, hello and goodbye, etc. From this, the song was born.
  • John Lennon hated the song. He viewed it as an inconsequential song of McCartney's, saying it was "three minutes of contradictions and meaningless juxtapositions." What further infuriated Lennon was that his "I Am The Walrus," was issued as the B-side to McCartney's A-side "Hello Goodbye." (thanks, gavin - hampden, MA, for above 2)
  • This is a song about how people are always different in what they say and do. (thanks, Tom - Syracuse, NY)
  • The Beatles made a music video for this, but at the time they were called promotional films. It was banned by the BBC because Paul was clearly lip-synching, which was against The British Musician's Union's rules.
  • Shortly after this was released, McCartney explained, "The answer to everything is simple. It's a song about everything and nothing. If you have black you have to have white. That's the amazing thing about life."
  • The ending where all The Beatles sing, "Hela, hey, aloha," was improvised in the studio. This part plays over the end credits of the Magical Mystery Tour movie. (thanks, Bertrand - Paris, France, for above 2)
  • The working title was "Hello, hello."
  • There is a fake ending on this song that drove disk jockeys nuts, as the sound of dead air made them think the song had ended before they were ready.
  • Target used this in commercials with the lyrics changed to "Hello, Good Buy." The Beatles do not control the publishing rights for most of their songs and cannot keep them from being re-recorded and used in ads.
    In 2008, Jonas Brothers recorded the song for a new Target commercial.
  • When Paul McCartney played a show in Tel Aviv, Israel on September 25, 2008, he opened with this song. It was the first time a Beatle performed in the country. Ofer Lichtman, who covered the show for The Times of Malta, wrote: There is still a debate regarding the true reason behind declining The Beatles' arrival to perform in Israel. The common story behind it was simply the lack of money and the prudence of the Israeli government. Due to Israel's poor economical situation in the 60's the organizers and promoters could not come up with the sufficient funds that were claimed and when they appealed to the Israeli Government for help, they were turned down because "The Beatles were a threat on the morality of the youth."

    43 years later, earlier this year, the Israeli Government has sent its ambassador in Britain to officially apologize to Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and to the relatives of John Lennon and George Harrison for its unfortunate decision. After weeks of nerve racking anticipations and contradicting headlines, Paul jumped on the stage in Tel Aviv in front of an audience of 50,000 people and gave us an outstanding night to remember and a story to tell our children and grandchildren. After all those years Paul has desided to come and play in Israel in spite the many life threats he got from extreme Islamic groups.
  • In 2009 The Performing Rights Society announced this as the most ever played Beatles song in public places in the UK. One of the reasons for this is that this was the first Beatles single release after BBC Radio 1 started broadcasting and the station played this song endlessly.
  • California power pop band Hellogoodbye took their name from this song.

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