Tool - Parabola
Tool - Parabola

Tool - Parabola Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

Album: Lateralus
Released: 2001

Parabola Lyrics

We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment,
We are choosing to be here right now. Hold on, stay inside
This holy reality, this holy experience.
Choosing to be here in

This body. This body holding me. Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal
All this pain is an illusion.

Alive, I

In this holy reality, in this holy experience. Choosing to be here in

This body. This body holding me. Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal
All this pain is an illusion.

Twirling round with this familiar parable.
Spinning, weaving round each new experience.
Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing.

This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality.
Embrace this moment. Remember. We are eternal.
All this pain is an illusion.

Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

  • Because of the mathematical nature of a lot of the songs on Lateralus, they are speaking of the number Phi, which is considered The "divine proportion" -1.618. This proportion is found all over nature: In bee hives, snail shells... even the human body. Phi was derived from the Fibonacci sequence - a progression famous not only because the sum of adjacent terms = the next term, but because the quotients of adjacent terms possessed the property of approaching 1.618.
    A few examples:
    In a honey bee community the female bees always outnumber the male bees. No matter what, in any beehive in the world if you divide the number of female bees by the male bees you always get 1.618... Phi.
    Sea shells... the ratio of each spiral's diameter to the next = Phi.
    Pine cone petals, leaf arrangement on plant stalks, insect segmentation... the human body.
    Da Vinci was known for his love of the divine proportion - "The Vitruvian Man" was one of many. It has been proven that the human body itself is made of building blocks whose proportional ratios = Phi. If you take and measure the distance from the tip of your head to the floor, then divide that by the distance from your belly button to floor, you get Phi. Shoulder to finger tip then elbow to finger tip... Phi.
    It is found in architectural dimensions of the Greek Parthenon, the pyramids of Egypt. Mozart's sonatas, Beethoven's 5th Symphony, etc, etc, etc.
    This is one of the main reasons Pagans worship mother earth - this proportion was used in everything at the beginning of time. One of the perfect examples of Phi is the 5 pointed star, pentagram - or pentacle. This symbol is thought to be magical and divine by many cultures, the ratios of line segments in a pentacle = PHI. (thanks, Tara - San Diego, CA)
  • Trip-Hop artist Tricky is the main subject of the video. (thanks, James - Dartmouth, Canada)