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Articles by "Teaser And The Firecat"

Cat Stevens Songs - Moonshadow
Cat Stevens - Moonshadow

Cat Stevens - Moonshadow Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

Album: Teaser And The Firecat
Released: 1971

Moonshadow Lyrics

Oh, I'm bein' followed by a Moonshadow, moon shadow, moonshadow---
Leapin and hoppin' on a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow---
And if I ever lose my hands, lose my plough, lose my land,
Oh if I ever lose my hands, Oh if I won't have to work no more.

And if I ever lose my eyes, if my colours all run dry,
Yes if I ever lose my eyes, Oh if I won't have to cry no more.


And if I ever lose my legs, I won't moan, and I won't beg,
Yes if I ever lose my legs, Oh if I won't have to walk no more.

And if I ever lose my mouth, all my teeth, north and south,
Yes if I ever lose my mouth, Oh if I won't have to talk...

Did it take long to find me? I asked the faithful light.
Did it take long to find me? And are you gonna stay the night?

Moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow.

Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

Moonshadow Song Chart
  • Stevens wrote this about finding hope in any situation. Be present and joyful. See life as it is, right now, and don't compare it to others' lives, or other times in your life. Every moment in life is rich and unique; whether we are aware of it or not, we are always leaping and hopping on a moonshadow - the inescapable present moment. If we are wrapped up in our whirlpools of worry and concern about what could be, or what has been, we are missing the richness of life as it is.
  • In the bridge of the song, Stevens seems to be speaking of faith, indicating clearly that, although he is experiencing this ecstasy in the present, despite all the losses and suffering of existence, it is the light that has found him, and not the other way around. He is surrendering to a power greater than himself - the "faithful light." (thanks, Ted - Victoria, Canada, for above 2)
  • When he appeared on The Chris Isaak Hour in 2009, Stevens said of this song: "I was on a holiday in Spain. I was a kid from the West End (of London) - bright lights, ect. - I never got to see the moon on its own in the dark, there were always streetlamps. So there I was on the edge of the water on a beautiful night with the moon glowing, and suddenly I looked down and saw my shadow. I thought that was so cool, I'd never seen it before."
  • Stevens, now known as Yusuf Islam, considers this his favorite of his old songs. It's one of the songs that convinced him to release a Greatest Hits record of his work as Cat Stevens. He felt its uplifting message could help people.
  • Director John Landis wanted to use this song in his 1981 horror comedy An American Werewolf in London. The film featured a number of songs with "moon" in the title ("Moon Dance", "Blue Moon", etc.) but Stevens, who had recently converted to Islam, refused permission because he did not like the subject matter of the film. (thanks, Bob - The Colony, TX)
  • Stevens has in recent years called this song the "Optimist's anthem." (thanks, Mary - Little Rock, AR)
  • This song was used for a "Teaser And The Firecat" animation. The cover of the album came to life as the boy and cat ride on the moon while this song plays. It can be found on the Cat Stevens - Majikat (Earth Tour 1976) DVD. (thanks, christy - Southlake, TX)
  • Artists to record this song include LaBelle, Roger Whittaker and Mandy Moore.

  • Cat Stevens Songs - Peace Train
    Cat Stevens - Peace Train

    Cat Stevens - Peace Train Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

    Album: Teaser And The Firecat
    Released: 1971

    Peace Train Lyrics

    Now I've been happy lately
    Thinking about the good things to come
    And I believe it could be
    Something good has begun
    I've been smiling lately
    Dreaming about the world as one
    And I believe it could be
    Something good's bound to come

    For out on the edge of darkness
    There runs the Peace Train
    Peace train take this country
    Come take me home again

    Peace train sounding louder
    Ride on the peace train
    Come on the peace train
    Peace train's a holy roller
    Everyone jump upon the peace train
    This is the peace train

    Get your bags together
    Come bring your good friends too
    Because it's getting nearer
    Soon it will be with you
    Come and join the living
    It's not so far from you
    And it's getting nearer
    Soon it will all be true

    Peace train sounding louder
    Ride on the peace train
    Come on the peace train

    I've been crying lately
    Thinking about the world as it is
    Why must we go on hating?
    Why can't we live in bliss?

    For out on the edge of darkness
    There rides the peace train
    Peace train take this country
    Come take me home again

    Peace train sounding louder
    Ride on the peace train
    Come on the peace train

    Come on, come on, come on the peace train

    Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

    Peace Train Song Chart
  • When he appeared on The Chris Isaak Hour in 2009, Stevens said of this song: "Musically, I was revisiting a very Greek-sounding riff - the kind of thing you'd hear on a Greek island. The words were attached to that time, my peace anthem. It ended every show that I did and was quite a show stopper. It was a very important song for me because it stated one of the big goals of my life which was heading straight for that peace."
  • This was Stevens' first US Top-10 hit. It was not released as a single outside of America because Stevens' European label, Island, wanted to encourage people to buy the albums rather than the 45s.
  • This became a hippie anthem, and was often used by protesters to spread a message of peace.
  • In 1987, 10,000 Maniacs covered this, but the song was dropped from future copies of their In My Tribe album in 1989 after Stevens, who had changed his name to Yusuf Islam, condoned the death wish on Salmon Rushdie for defaming the Prophet in his book The Satanic Verses.
  • In 2003, Stevens, now known as Yusuf Islam, re-recorded this for a compilation album called Hope, which was a benefit for children in Iraq. It was his first English language recording since 1978. The US and Britain had invaded Iraq, which was perceived by many to be an attack on Muslims. Stevens explained: "As a member of humanity and as a Muslim, this is my contribution to the call for a peaceful solution to the dangerous path some world leaders today seem to be taking."
  • In 2010, John Stewart and Stephen Colbert staged a Train Wreck, having Stevens perform this song at their Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in Washington, DC, only to have Ozzy Osbourne interrupt with a performance of "Crazy Train."

    The bit didn't go over well with Salman Rushdie, an author who had a fatwa issued against him that Stevens supported. When Rushdie complained to Stewart, the Daily Show host said that he shouldn't have done it. "Death for free speech is a deal-breaker," said Stewart.

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