Rachele Lynae - Fishin' for Somethin
Rachele Lynae - Fishin' for Something

Rachele Lynae - Fishin' for Something Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

Album: Rachele Lynae
Released: 2014

Fishin' for Something Lyrics

Fishin' for Something
  • Rachele Lynae wrote this song with her friend Hannah Bethel after the two were exasperated by pushy guys trying to bust up their girl group on the dance floor. In our interview with Rachele , she explained: "It would be about that time of the night where the guy probably had too many drinks or something, I don't know. And they'd come up like, 'Hey, what are you doing?' And I'm like, 'Dude, it's 12:30. So after this, I'm going home. I'm not hanging out. No, thank you, I don't want to go mudding in the middle of the night with someone I just met. But thank you for asking.' [Laughing] Just some of the funniest things.

    So Hannah and I wrote that song sitting down going, 'We've got to write about these guys.' So we wrote this and we laughed a lot and giggled and felt like we were pretty clever."
  • Inspired by this song, Rachele recorded a short YouTube video of the Best Worst Pick Up Lines where she endures a bunch of guys trying to hit on her with ridiculous come-ons.