josé gonzález - Every Ag
José González - Every Age

José González - Every Age Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

Album: Vestiges + Claws
Released: 2014

Every Age Lyrics

Every Age has its turn
Every branch of the tree has to learn
Learn to grow, find its way,
Make the best of this short-lived stay

Take this seed, take this spade
Take this dream of a better day
Take your time, build a home
Build a place where we all can belong

Some things change, some remain
Some will pass us unnoticed by
What to focus on, to improve upon
In the face of our ancient tribes

Feels so clear, feels so obvious
To each one on their own
But we are here, together
Reaping what time and what we have sown

We don't choose where we're born
We don't choose in what pocket or form
But we can learn to know
Ourselves on this globe in the void

Take this mind, take this pen
Take this dream of a better land
Take your time, build a home
Build a place where we all... can belong

Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

Every Age Song Chart
  • The first single from Vestiges + Claws is a reflective spare meditation on the shared mystery of humanity.

    We don't choose where we're born
    We don't choose in what pocket or form
    But we can learn to know ourselves
    On this globe in the void

    The song was recorded by Gonzalez in his home, with little more than his guitar as instrumentation.
  • The accompanying video comes in both a standard form and an interactive 360° experience. The visual was produced by the global collective Eyes In Space and features a team launching a camera into the air, that takes the viewer through the clouds into space. "Basically its the realization that we are a fragile blue ball filled with life floating in the void and darkness space," said Simon Morris, who co-directed the clip with Chris Higham. "We wanted to give everyone the opportunity to roam space freely using a unique video capturing technique."