St. Vincent - Severed Crossed Fingers
St. Vincent - Severed Crossed Fingers

St. Vincent - Severed Crossed Fingers Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

Album: St. Vincent
Released: 2014

Severed Crossed Fingers Lyrics

When you're calling ain't calling back to you
I'll be side stage, mouthing lines for you
Humiliated by age, terrified of youth
I got hope but my hope isn't helping you

Spitting out guts from their gears
Draining our spleen over years
Found myself with crossed fingers in the rubble there

Wake up puddle eyed, sleeping in the suit
The truth is ugly, well I feel ugly too
We'll be heroes on every bar stool
Seeing double beats not seeing one of you

Spitting out guts from their gears
Draining our spleen over years
Found myself with crossed fingers in the rubble there
Well you stole the heart right out my chest
Changed the words that I know best
Found myself with crossed fingers in the rubble there

Spitting out guts from their gears
Draining our spleen over years
Found myself with crossed fingers in the rubble there
Well you stole the heart right out my chest
Changed the words that I know best
Found myself with crossed fingers in the rubble there

Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

Severed Crossed Fingers
  • St. Vincent's Annie Clark told Uncut magazine she got the idea for this song from a phrase in a short story by a novelist she loves, Lorrie Moore. She added: "It was such a perfect image of some hope you have that ends up, for one reason or another, in a pile of rubble on the floor."

    Lorrie Moore is an American fiction writer known mainly for her humorous and poignant short stories, which have long had a cult following. Her tale of a young child falling sick, People Like That Are the Only People Here, won the 1998 O. Henry Award, which is given to short stories of exceptional merit.
  • Annie Clark elaborated on the song to Mojo magazine: "Severed Crossed Fingers is a Lorrie Moore reference, from a short story about a woman who reads a story in the newspaper – they're sifting through a plane crash and find somebody's severed hand, but the fingers are still crossed, and I thought that was such a great, hilarious, bleak metaphor for life."