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Articles by "Dream Theater"

Dream Theater - The Enemy Inside
Dream Theater - The Enemy Inside

Dream Theater - The Enemy Inside Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

Album: Dream Theater
Released: 2013

The Enemy Inside Lyrics

Over and over again
I relive the moment
I'm bearing the burden within
Open wounds hidden under my skin

Pain is real as a cut that bleeds
The face I see every time I try to sleep
Staring at me crying

I'm running from The Enemy Inside
Looking for the life I left behind
These suffocating memories are etched upon my mind
And I can't escape from the enemy inside

I sever myself from the world
And shut down completely
All alone in my own living hell
Overcome with irrational fear

Under the weight of the world on my chest
I buckle and break as I try to catch my breath
Tell me I'm not dying

I'm running from the enemy inside
Looking for the life I left behind
These suffocating memories are etched upon my mind
And I can't escape from the enemy inside

I'm a burden and a travesty
I'm a prisoner of regret
Between the flashbacks and the violent dreams
I am hanging on the edge

Disaster lurks around the bend
Paradise came to an end
And no magic pill
Can bring it back again

I'm running from the enemy inside
Looking for the life I left behind
These suffocating memories are etched upon my mind
And I can't escape from the enemy inside

Publisher: Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

The Enemy Inside
  • This punchy and melodic six-minute track was released as the first single from Dream Theater's eponymous twelfth studio album. Guitarist John Petrucci explained why they decided to make this the Progressive Metal band's first self-titled record. "I see every new album as an opportunity to start over," he said, "to either build or improve upon a direction that has been evolving over time or to completely break new ground. This is the first self-titled album of our career, and there is nothing I can think of that makes a statement of musical and creative identity stronger than that. We've fully explored all of the elements that make us unique, from the epic and intense to the atmospheric and cinematic."
  • Petrucci discussed the song with : "'The Enemy Inside' is a great example of a song that hits you, it doesn't meander, and it has all of the compositional elements that make us unique," he said. "It has the metal parts, the prog parts, the solos, interludes, choruses – it's all there, but in a more concise way that packs a powerful punch."

    "I wanted to write a fast-moving song on the seven-string with a big riff, a huge chorus and really fast, angular movements," Petrucci continued. "The irony is that we never intended for it to be a single, but it just kind of hooked everybody from the beginning. I always thought it would be a deeper cut on the album, more technical and fast, sort of a Panic Attack vibe. But it just turned out to be really catchy."
  • Asked by to define the kind of guitar sound he was going for on this track, Petrucci replied: "I describe it as a piece of chocolate cake and that was my goal in the studio. It's like I had a nice picture of a layered chocolate cake. Why chocolate cake? Well, chocolate cake is rich, creamy and it has layers. It's sweet but it has a lot of substance and has just the right amount of icing on the top. If you get this nice piece of chocolate cake there's nothing more satisfying than that. So I wanted that in a guitar sound - a chunky, rich, delicious sound (laughs)."
  • Petrucci told Music Radar regarding his guitar solo: "There's a bunch of different parts to the solo. I try to always keep it interesting, and I want everything to have a musical purpose. The solo comes in a little late; it goes right into the final chorus. It was sort of my job to come out of the previous vocal and get us to the end."
  • The song's music video was directed by Bill Fishman (the Ramones, Steve Ray Vaughan). The conceptual clip deals with the torment of a soldier who's struggling with reintegrating into his life back home due to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Petrucci told Billboard magazine the PTSD subject matter seemed to really fit the song since it's fast-paced and has "kind of machine gun riffs. It almost makes you feel anxious."

    He added: "Also at the time that we were in the studio working on the album and I was writing lyrics, the Boston Marathon bombings happened. There was a lot of discussion of terrorism and PTSD as if affects people who witness traumatic events like terrorism, so it was just very on my mind. It linked very well with the mood of the song, and as we started to get into it, I watched some documentaries and things like that. I was like, 'This is really something that needs to be written about.'"

  • Dream Theater - False Awakening Suite
    Dream Theater - False Awakening Suite

    Dream Theater - False Awakening Suite Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

    Album: Dream Theater
    Released: 2013

    False Awakening Suite Lyrics

    False Awakening Suite
  • Dream Theater open their eponymous twelfth album with this three part instrumental, which comprises:

    I. Sleep Paralysis.
    II. Night Terrors
    III. Lucid Dream

    It was the first vocal-less track the band had recorded since "Stream of Consciousness" from their 2003 LP, Train of Thought.
  • Guitarist John Petrucci explained to that the band were trying to set a mood with an instrumental track. "It's kinda like the idea was when we play live and before we hit the stage, we like to have some sort of like you said dramatic piece of music and something cinematic to bring us onstage," he said. "We've used the music from Psycho before and Hans Zimmer. The last tour was a piece from the movie Inception and just stuff that really sets the mood and you know the band's coming onstage. It was kinda like, 'Well, let's write our own. We can do this. How hard could it be?' So we wrote our own cinematic opening and the cool thing is it has real strings on it and it has that cinematic vibe but it's in the style of metal and it's kind of a progressive version of it. It's our spin on that type of opening."
  • The strings were arranged by Petrucci and keyboardist Jordan Rudess. They were played by a string ensemble, who were conducted by a young protégé of Rudess, Eren Basbug.

  • Dream Theater - Enigma Machine
    Dream Theater - Enigma Machine

    Dream Theater - Enigma Machine Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

    Album: Dream Theater
    Released: 2013

    Enigma Machine Lyrics

    Enigma Machine
  • The second instrumental on Dream Theater following "False Awakening Suite," they were the first vocal-less tracks the band had recorded since "Stream of Consciousness" on their 2003 album, Train of Thought.
  • Guitarist John Petrucci told that it was inconceivable that the band couldn't have made the album without his JP13 guitar. He explained: "In a rock band or a metal band whatever, the guitar sounds kind of dictates the way the album is gonna sound. Because it's a featured instrument and it takes up so much and it will sort of shape the direction and overall sound of the song. If it's really heavy, percussive and aggressive, that's the way the song is gonna sound. It's a very powerful instrument because it dictates the landscape you're setting up. So that guitar and especially the 7-string version of it. I used on a lot of songs on the album. You can hear it on the instrumental 'Enigma Machine' and when that 7-string comes in it's just so heavy and huge. That couldn't have been done with another instrument - it had to sound like that."
  • Keyboardist Jordan Rudess' main riff came to him in his sleep the night before the band wrote the song. He recalled to : "I was running everything in my mind, 'it's gotta be catchy, it's gotta be progressive, there should be a theme,' all of that, and there it was! It reminded me of the riff to a TV show, but it was also Dream Theater-like. I went to the studio and said to John Petrucci, 'I got something, but I don't know it you're going to like it.' I was having a moment of self-doubt. But he really liked it. He added to it, and we went back and forth, and it was extended, and that was that."
  • An Enigma Machine was an electro-mechanical rotor cipher device used by Nazi Germany for enciphering and deciphering secret messages before and during World War II. In 1939, the British secret service set up the Ultra project at Bletchley Park, for the purpose of intercepting the German Enigma signals. The intelligence gleaned from this source was a substantial aid to the Allied war effort.

  • Dream Theater - Behind The Veil
    Dream Theater - Behind The Veil

    Dream Theater - Behind The Veil Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

    Album: Dream Theater
    Released: 2013

    Behind The Veil Lyrics

    What would possess you to justify
    Such dark and twisted ways?
    What kind of monster would come to feast
    When the devil shows his face?
    What does it take for life to change
    And a mind to lose control?
    Cruelly left you to suffer the blame
    After all the lies you told

    I am finding courage in my darkest hour
    I am bent, not broken
    Calling out

    Someone save me, look Behind The Veil
    Please don't walk away
    Someone save me, bring me home tonight
    I can't face another day

    Can you see the stranger
    Hiding in plain sight?
    Feeding on the chaos
    When the lightning strikes
    There's no redemption
    There's no being saved
    There's no salvation
    For a soul depraved

    You are finding promise in your finest hour
    You are bent, not broken
    Calling out

    Publisher: Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
    Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

    Behind The Veil
  • Keyboardist Jordan Rudess told the story of the song's creation to : "The intro was a lot of fun because I got to do my thing," he said. "It started out kind of orchestral, but then we thought that maybe we should go in another direction. People left it up to me somewhat, everybody was pretty busy with some other things, so I started working on a cinematic idea but one that wasn't orchestral; it would be more otherworldly."

    "It wasn't going to use violins or trumpets or French horns," Rudess continued. "But it was going to use these other beautiful sounds. I called upon the Alchemy program because it has this Dream Voices collection of sounds. I had such a good time in the studio with Rich, just finding all of these sounds and saying, 'Oh, that's a great one. Let's record that.' And each sound would start to change the music and dictate where things were going. This song allowed me to use the Roli Seaboard, too, so I was able to call up some otherworldly sounds and instruments, as well."

    "This song is another good example of what happens very naturally with us." concluded Rudess. "Dream Theater is something of a musical melting pot, so it makes sense and feels right for us to have a lot of different styles happening on top of each other. That feels more right than having something that is just one thing, one approach, throughout."

  • Dream Theater -Illumination Theory
    Dream Theater -Illumination Theory

    Dream Theater - Illumination Theory Lyrics and Youtube Music Videos

    Album: Dream Theater
    Released: 2013

    Illumination Theory Lyrics


    [II. Live, Die, Kill]

    Consider this question
    Look deep inside
    Deliver a true confession
    What are you willing to live for?

    Consider this question
    Open your eyes
    Examine your own reflection
    What are you willing to die for?

    When your backs’ against the wall
    And the times uncertain
    Consider this question
    No standing by
    When flesh and blood are threatened
    What are you willing to kill for?

    We seek to understand
    We cry with hand in hand

    The bridges we build to connect
    The distance that makes us forget
    Hate dividing us, love reminding us
    Of our shared humanity

    Hope can be a shadow fleeting
    I would rather die believing
    Capture it all in a final act of faith

    We seek to understand
    We cry with hand in hand

    A story that needs to be told
    An answer that begs to found
    The beauty we wish to behold
    Is never too far away

    [III. The Embracing Circle]


    [IV. The Pursuit Of Truth]

    Mothers for their children
    Husbands for their wives
    Martyrs for the kingdom
    Fighting for your life
    A soldier for his country
    A junkie for the high
    Teachers for their students
    Vengeance for a crime
    Rebels for their freedom
    A tyrant for the prize
    Cowards for salvation
    Money, love, and faith

    Noble embrace
    Lay down our lives for the cause
    Death over shame
    Grace before glory

    [V. Surrender, Trust & Passion]

    To really feel the joy in life
    You must suffer through the pain
    When you surrender to the light
    You can face the darkest days

    If you open up your eyes
    And you put your trust in love
    On those cold and endless nights
    You will never be alone

    Passion glows within your heart
    Like a furnace burning bright
    Until you struggle through the dark
    You’ll never know that you're alive

    Publisher: Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
    Lyrics licensed and provided by LyricFind

    Illumination Theory
  • Dream Theater close their eponymous twelfth album with this epic five part suite, which comprises:
    I. Paradoxe de la Lumière Noire
    II. Live, Die, Kill
    III. The Embracing Circle
    IV. The Pursuit of Truth.
    V. Surrender, Trust & Passion
  • Guitarist John Petrucci told how he wrote such a multi-part song with multiple movements. "The first thing you start with is that you know you're gonna do that kind of piece," he said. "You go in knowing, 'OK, this is gonna be an epic piece. It's gonna be 20 minutes long.' You know you have room for parts to develop and grow. Once you do that you can get a good idea of the type of shape of it that you want."

    He added: "For example in this case, I knew I wanted us to do an atmospheric breakdown in the center with almost like a ballet-sounding string thing just to be totally, totally different in the middle. If you kinda know that thing you have a little bit of a blueprint."
  • Petrucci told Ultimate Guitar that he already had the main theme for "Illumination Theory" before he started working on it in earnest. "It was, 'OK, this is going to be the theme. This is happening at the start,'" he said. "Similarly with the ending progression that's repeating, that's something we had worked on at a soundcheck in Asia at one point. As soon as we did that, I'm like, 'This will be used for the ending of a song somewhere on our next album.' So you have an idea and you have these little pins like on a map. It's a matter of shaping what happens in-between those moments."
  • The song's vibey outro was something that keyboardist Jordan Rudess created at home. He told : "I was playing it, these three chords, and I loved it. I didn't know what the guys would think, but I played it for them, and John Petrucci was like, 'That's really cool.' So we decided that it would be a neat surprise at the end. It's piano, guitar and Seaboard. It relaxes things after this enormous trip you've been on. So if you're still listening, if you hang in there, that's how we tag it out."
  • Rudess told Loud Online about this song's classical music influence. "Well," he said, "I come from a Julliard classical music background, I like pieces where motifs and ideas get developed and changed and can be allowed to breathe and that track's certainly not any sort of standard pop song format in any way, shape or form. I just love the fact that we're just really going for it and there's all these kind of progressive parts where there's interesting counterpoints and harmonic changes going on, and I'm also very fond of the fact that in the middle section of 'Illumination Theory,' there's that whole section that really is very ambient and very electronic-soundscapey which leads into a string ensemble part which was actually done with the help my young protégé Eren BaŠŸbuÄŸ, a young Turkish arranger/conductor who took what I had composed on my keyboard and fleshed it out for a string orchestra. And then the string orchestra came into the studio and he came in and conducted them."

    "That piece just has so much to it," he continued. "I love when we get deep and it all gets a bit wild, and I also love that in the midst of all that madness, we really let that middle section to really breathe and slow down and be melodic like a movie score."

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